
1. At times I may seem a bit forward. I'm bad at holding my tongue. Lol. I like to talk and say why I think. Not into the games and blah blah blah. Lol. Just despise it.

2. I blame it on the Marine Corps. But tend to let some language out at times. Lol. Not derogatory or towards anyone. Just basically military has it engrained in my mind. Lol. I know poor excuse.

3. I believe in being honest and open. Sometimes to a fault. Lol I will not anything to offend you or make you feel uncomfortable, and Lord, if I do, please just let me know to shut it.

Lastly. I'm a very extremely open book. So any questions you have or are curious about. Feel free. Fire away Checking everything out. Always up for some great times. No drama, no need for it. Stop by and say hi. Let's see what happens. Cheers