Transvestite 58
I am 5' 7" tall and 123 pounds weight. Depending on what breast forms and waist clincher I wear, my measurements are 36"C to 38"D bust, 26" to 28" waist and 36" hip. I have feelings and emotions that others did not experience since I was small, I am blessed (or cursed) with feminine, slim and curvy hour glass body, slender legs, round protruding flare out hip, and feminine face, I was attracted and obsessed by that female in the mirror, that makes me wonder if I was born with the wrong gender.
我從小就有女性的傾向, 那身不由己的苦衷, 是我天生不是女人身, 我被鏡中的我吸引,我痴迷戀那苗條而曲線的身材,修長的纖腿,圓潤的臀, 俊美但女性化的五官輪廓, 鵝蛋臉脖裡圓大的眼睛和彎曲的眉毛, 白皙無毛的皮膚身體, 當我在鏡中看到自己女生的時候, 我自己也為之心動, 就感到天生女人麗質難自棄, 我渴望別人對我的女性氣質的欣賞和肯定.
我從小就有女性的傾向, 那身不由己的苦衷, 是我天生不是女人身, 我被鏡中的我吸引,我痴迷戀那苗條而曲線的身材,修長的纖腿,圓潤的臀, 俊美但女性化的五官輪廓, 鵝蛋臉脖裡圓大的眼睛和彎曲的眉毛, 白皙無毛的皮膚身體, 當我在鏡中看到自己女生的時候, 我自己也為之心動, 就感到天生女人麗質難自棄, 我渴望別人對我的女性氣質的欣賞和肯定.