Sissy Bitch21
Como puedes ver, soy una puta patética y sin valor con un culo grande, abierto y entrenado que gime como una zorra estúpida y le encantan las vergas. Puedes meterle todo el puño, azotarla, escupirla, estrangularla, correrte dentro de ella y follártela como te plazca... Tendré que cerrar la boca y obedecer, porque soy un chico inferior y estoy hecho para servir, obedecer y complacer, así que espero que te encanten mis vídeos siendo una puta de mi*rda como a mí me gusta. ¡¡¡Estoy a tus órdenes papi!!!
As you can see, I'm a pathetic and worthless hoe with a big, open and trained ass who moans like a stupid bitch and loves cock. You can fist him, spank him, spit on him, chke him, cum inside him and fuck him as you please... I will have to shut my mouth and obey, because I am an inferior boy and I am made to serve, obey and please, so I hope you love my videos being a fucking whore like I like. I'm at your command daddy!!!
As you can see, I'm a pathetic and worthless hoe with a big, open and trained ass who moans like a stupid bitch and loves cock. You can fist him, spank him, spit on him, chke him, cum inside him and fuck him as you please... I will have to shut my mouth and obey, because I am an inferior boy and I am made to serve, obey and please, so I hope you love my videos being a fucking whore like I like. I'm at your command daddy!!!