Transsexual woman
Transsexual woman

I'm only interested in beautiful active transsexual mtf !
Try to read my profile carefully before venturing into my private messaging.
If you aren't sure and ready to show your head and face clearly beforehand, I urge you not to go to my private messages or Skype whoever you are or whatever your gender is, or else you'll get something unpleasant !!
Only interested in .... feminine beautiful gorgeous trannies (and anal women too) with masterpiece ass (That last thing is up to me to judge).
I'm not interested in masculine men whatsoever, Only feminine trannies that's why showing your head and face to me is so important.
(no reply = block) a golden rule, especially when a stupid stranger initiate a conversation in private.

You need to show me yourself (including body, private parts and face) to continue talking in private, otherwise you're free to talk in public anonymously.

To continue talking on my profile page in public (comments), you must have an open profile with at least 75% !

Never write Arabic in the Latin alphabet, as this will get you a block !

And that last rule is for either private or public, but everything else is for private only !

Some Hints :
No reply = Block
Thanx = rejection (sexually)
Thanks = no rejection
I prefer addressing me as (he/him)

I'm not a prostitute nor cheap, And I don't like them or deal with them even if they're my preferred type and that simply because:
1-No feelings, just mechanical act.
2-Diseases, STD are there even if they think the opposites, I'm a medical doctor and that's a scientific fact !